Xuemei Chen's Lab

The introduction of PI

Xuemei Chen




PhD in Biochemistry 1995 Cornell University 

BS in Biology 1988 Beijing University, China 

College/Division Affiliation

PKU-Tsinghua center of life sciences

Center/Inst Affiliation

Center for Plant Cell Biology

Institute of Integrative Genome Biology

Areas of Expertise

Plant Development

Small Regulatory RNAs

Professional Experience

2023- endowed chair professor and Dean of School of Life Sciences, Peking University

2013-2023 Distinguished Professor, UC Riverside

2011-2018 Foundation Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Gordon and Betty Moore

2009-2023 Professor, UC Riverside

2005-2009 Associate Professor, UC Riverside

1999-2005 Assistant Professor, Waksman Institute, Rutgers University

1995-1998 Postdoctoral fellow, California Institute of Technology

1989-1994 Graduate research assistant, Boyce Thompson Institute Cornell University

Awards / Honors

2016 University Faculty Lecturer, UC Riverside

2013 Election to National Academy of Sciences

2011 HHMI-GBMF (Howard Hughes Medical Institute - Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation) Investigator

2007-2010 University Scholar, UC Riverside

2006 Charles Albert Shull award from American Society of Plant Biologists

2005 Board of Trustees Research Fellowship for Scholarly Excellence, Rutgers University

1995-1997 NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship

1991-1994 Cornell Plant Science Center Fellowship

1992 The Liu Memorial Award and The Hsien Wu and Daisy Yen Wu Scholarship